Sunday, January 25, 2015

January 26 - 30

Bacon Bears,

Please see weekly overview at the bottom of this post for updated information

Focusing on today, tomorrow, and the future!

The last week of January is upon us. Just think, one month ago we were on Winter Break! Time flies!!!

This week we are finishing up the Winter Sweeps. Students will be testing (and some re-testing) in order to determine the RTI groups. Once the groups are established, you will be contacted regarding the results.

Congratulations to Mrs. Devita and Mr. Hudson! They won a Math/Science Mini Grant for their students. They will be purchasing Finch Robots that follow coding commands.

There is no school on Thursday due to the Teacher In-Service.

Our February newsletter will be sent home with the students on Friday. Be sure to check it out!

Pictures from around the school
Omar at the Dental Assembly 

Dr. Cook graduated to a boot. Pretty soon he will be back to normal 

Sue Bacon, from the Cumberland County CAP program, presented to the staff 

Our staff involved in an anti-bullying training 

Kindergarten students learning with Mrs. Summers 

Our students make the best artwork! 

Kindegarten students wrote about the snowman 

The art students are always thinking 

Ms. Davis working with 1st graders in Library 

Ms. Reilly is ready for the winter to be over! 

Videos of the Week
Ever wonder how Kid President does his videos? Check out his behind the scenes video this week 

Last week's Shake it Off video by the Dover Police was a big hit. Here are 3rd graders dancing to it during their indoor recess

Weekly Overview
Monday - C Day - BOE Meeting, 7:00 PM
Tuesday - D Day - Another Awesome Day at RM Bacon No School Snow Day 
Wednesday - D Day - Optional Staff Meeting, 8:15 AM; Axe Equitable in Teachers' Lunches; Talent Show Auditions
Thursday - E Day; PBIS Meeting and Bear Bucks Store, 2:30 PM
Friday -  No School Teacher In-Service

Sunday, January 18, 2015

January 19 - 23

Bacon Bears,

Focusing on today, tomorrow and the future!

We had another amazing week at RM Bacon. I checked in with several staff members who said we had a relatively quiet week, Our guest Principal, Mrs. Harris, appreciated how the students behaved. She was impressed!

I will be returning to school this week! The foot surgery went well, but I am still on crutches. I invested into a rolling device that will make my life much easier. I am excited about returning and I missed everyone!

On Monday, we do not have school in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday. In honor of Dr. Kings's legacy, here is a video about his powerful impact!

Dr. King Video

The students in grades K - 5 will be taking the Winter Sweeps this week, The Winter Sweeps are based on national norms for language arts and math. We analyze this student data to see how our students are progressing, and we use it to determine our Response to Intervention (RTI) groups.

Since I wasn't at school this week, I only have a few pictures that were sent to me. Next week I will be sure to roll around on my leg scooter and take pictures!

Pictures from around the school 
3rd graders working on Benchmark Fractions on Life Size Timelines 

3rd graders working on Benchmark Fractions on Life Size Timelines 

Videos of the Week
A Bryan College soccer player, with a broken finger, won 10,000 by making a layup, foul shot, 3 pointer and a half court shot in 30 seconds! What is more interesting than his accomplishment, is the reaction of the other college students!

A police officer from Dover, DE has some lip sync skills. Here he is caught performing Taylor Swift's Shake It Off. Funny!

Weekly Overview
Monday - D Day - No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday 
Tuesday - E Day - Winter Sweep
Wednesday - A Day - Winter Sweep - Workout Wednesday 
Thursday - B Day - Staff Meeting, 8:00 AM Anti Bullying; Winter Sweep
Friday - C Day - Winter Sweep

Sunday, January 11, 2015

January 12 - 16

Bacon Bears,

Focusing on Today, Tomorrow and the Future!

As we swing into the second week of January, we are looking forward to another great week at RM Bacon. Last week the students did an awesome job of coming back off the long break. I know they were tired the first two days, but they hung in there!

This week Dr. Cook will be out. Mrs. Harris will be in for him. Dr. Cook is getting surgery on his foot because he has developed some bone spurs. When you see him the following week he will be in a boot or some type of cast. Make sure this is a great week so he can recover without having to be on the phone with the school :)

Weekly  Overview
Monday - D Day - CST Meeting, 9:30 AM; BOE Meeting, 7:00 PM
Tuesday - E Day - Admin Meeting, 1:00 PM
Wednesday - A Day - Oral Health Assembly, 9:30 AM (K-1); 10:00 AM (2-3); 10:30 AM (4-5)
Thursday - B Day - CST Meeting, 9:30 AM; Attendance PLC, 1:30 P<
Friday - C Day - Make up Pictures, 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Exciting News - Our own Ms. Peck had her artwork selected for an exhibit in Philadelphia. For more information, click this link 

Pictures from around the school
Family Portraits in the Front Office 

Family Portraits in the Front Office 

Bridget Blakely leading a discussion on PBIS 

Christo reading to his class 

3rd graders Aiden and Jesus showing Dr. Cook their coding skills 

Mr. Gilpin, Principal of Warner Elementary in Michigan, sent Dr. Cook this T-Shirt 

Snow Dismissal selfie

Our first Snow Dismissal 

Mr. Lokey getting the cars organized 

Video of the Week 

Minnesota Cold Weather Challenge featuring Principal Nathan Ziegler. It made the Huffington Post. Check out the article. 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

January 5 - 9

Bacon Bears,

Focusing on today, tomorrow and the future!

Welcome back! We are so excited for our first full week of 2015. The New Year brings with it so much potential, and so much promise! RM Bacon is ready to go to the next level!

We have a few activities on the calender this week. I am sure most of this week will be dedicated to getting everyone back on track after a long break!

Weekly Overview
Monday - D- Day - Welcome Back!
Tuesday - E Day - Another Awesome day at RM Bacon
Wednesday - A Day - RAC Visit; Anti Bullying Meeting, 7:00 PM
Thursday - B Day - Staff Meeting, 8:00 AM; HSA Meeting, 4:00 PM
Friday -  C Day - Pajama Day; I and RS Meeting;

Video of the Week
We love Kid President, and in this video he does a countdown of what he was able to accomplish in 2014. He has a book coming out in 2015!

Big Dreams for 2015 - Vianca was featured in this video!!!!

How awesome are you going to be in 2015? Let us know!