Saturday, December 14, 2013

December 16 - 20

Bacon Bears,

It's all about respect...

This is the final week of 2013. When we return from the Holiday Break we will be in the year 2014! Yet, we still have a lot of work to do in 2013... 5 full days!!!!

Join us for the Winter Concert on Monday, December 16, 2013 @ 7:00 PM. Come out and support the Fine and Performing Arts Department at RM Bacon.

We will have our annual Holiday Shoppe this week for students to purchase items for their families. The Holiday Shoppe will be open for the Winter Concert as well.

An Impact to Remember - Recently, senior Abby Damico, was charged with selecting the person who had the most impact on her during throughout her education in Millville. Abby selected our own Mrs. Sutton! When asked why she chose Mrs. Sutton, Abby said that Mrs. Sutton always held high expectations for her. This is a great honor.. congratulations Mrs. Sutton!

Pictures from around the school
With one week remaining in December it appears that RM Bacon is securely in the lead on the Shoparoo app. Keep scanning those receipts! 

Students of the Week: December 9 - 13

Mrs. Sinone presenting at the Stockton College Graduate Symposium 

Mrs. Bingham's class engaged in a compare/contrast discussion

Last week, David Hernandez from the Department of Homeland Security visited Mr. Hudson's class. The purpose of the visit was to participate in the culminating activity for Mr. Hudson's science project on rockets.

Weekly Overview:
Monday - Mid Marking period closes; Winter Concert, 7:00 PM
Tuesday - PLC Chair meeting, 3:50 PM
Wednesday - RAC Visit, 9:30 AM; PBIS Meeting, 1:30 PM; Bear Bucks Store to follow
Thursday - Holiday Sweater Day
Friday - Scrooge, 9:45 AM (grades 3-5); Polar Express, 12:00 PM (grades K-2) in Gym; Holiday Parties to follow

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