Saturday, January 25, 2014

January 27 - 31

Bacon Bears,

It's all about respect!

We are hoping for a full week of school! The weather has been challenging to say the least.

This week the 2014 Floor Hockey Intramural program starts! Our Floor Hockey program has been in existence since the 1970's and for many RM Bacon alumni is what they remember most about our school. Come out and support on Monday and Tuesday at 8:00AM.

On Friday, we will have another Bear Bucks Store. This month, the Bear challenge will be another one for the record books.

Marking period 2 ends on January 31, 2014.

The Great Kindness Challenge
The Great Kindness Challenge is a proactive and positively powerful anti-bullying tool. It is one week devoted to performing as many acts of kindness as possible in school, at home and in the community. All kids deserve to learn in a safe, supportive and dynamic environment. The Great Kindness Challenge provides a powerful tool that actively engages students, teachers, administration, families and community in creating a school culture of acceptance, tolerance, unity and respect.

During 3rd, 4th and 5th grade lunches on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we will have A Kindness Station set up in the cafeteria. This will be a table with various art supplies set up so the students can use part of their lunch period to make a card expressing their thanks to someone special to them. Stay tuned for more details.

Pictures from around the school:
Teachers are finding the Reading Street Weekly Tests very valuable and rigorous! 

Cameron studying microbiology with High School students 

Students in Mr. Hudson's class were learning about organisms at the High School 

Mr. Hudson wanted to see what all the students were seeing 

Video clip of the week: (This is an interesting video I found on you tube)

Weekly Overview
Monday - Kindness Challenge Assembly, 3:00PM
Tuesday -Kindness Station in Lunches, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades
Wednesday - Kindness Station in Lunches, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades
Thursday - Kindness Station in Lunches, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades
Friday -  PBIS Meeting, 1:30 PM; Bear Bucks Store to follow

Monday, January 20, 2014

January 21, 2014

National and local weather services are predicting at least 6 inches
Due to the impending snow storm, we will be dismissing at 1:45 PM. There will be no after-school activities.


Sunday, January 19, 2014

January 20 - 24

Bacon Bears,

Its all about Respect!

Chick-Fil-A donated a gift card to every RM Bacon Staff
Our students have done a fantastic job with the assessment schedule in January. As we finalize the results of our Model Assessment and Universal Sweep, I want to commend the teachers for their hard work and understanding with this process.

We view these assessments as "formative" which means they are intended to assist teachers in determining areas for improvement. Based on the preliminary findings, we are headed in the right direction!

This week is a four day week because of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. The other day, I was in Mrs. Lunemann's class and she showed a really interesting video about Martin Luther King, Jr. designed for kids. Take a few moments to watch (and thank you Mrs. Lunemann!)

Martin Luther King Jr. Video

RM Bacon in Pictures:
Mrs. Taylor working on measuring using Smart Board 
Mrs. Mercado had an awesome Spanish lesson using the Smart Board!

Mrs. Gandy won a Math/Science Grant 

Mrs. Devita and Mr. Hudson won a Math/Science Grant

Mrs. Mulhbaier won a Math/Science Grant 

Weekly Overview
Monday - No School - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Tuesday - Another Awesome day at RM Bacon
Wednesday - Mr. Hudson's Class to MSHS
Thursday - 8:00 AM Staff Meeting (Entire Staff); Mr. Hudson's Class to MSHS; Home and School Association Meeting, 4:00 PM
Friday - Wear your favorite Sport Shirt (Nascar, Football, Baseball, Basketball, etc)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

January 13 - 17

Bacon Bears,

It's all about respect...

Last week was one for the record books. We survived Arctic temperatures, broken heaters, extreme ice, and a lock down. It seems that no matter what the obstacle, our students and staff were able to overcome and flourish.

The extreme cold Arctic air on Tuesday provided for a great deal of patience. I admired how students and parents braved these conditions and still came to school!

We only lost some materials that can be replaced
Unfortunately, Tuesday evening the cold was too much for one of our heaters. The pipes froze and broke which ended up flooding Mrs. Taylor's room and part of the cafeteria. Our maintenance staff from throughout the district came to Bacon to assist. The next day (Wednesday) we had to move Mr. Drewnowski's class and Mrs. Taylor's class. Then, right before the announcements, Mrs. Muhlbaier's heater froze and the pipes flooded part of Mr. Hudson's class. Throughout the day we monitored the heaters with such precision in case anything else would happen. Fortunately, nothing did!

On Friday morning, staff and students were required to take their time entering and exiting the building because of an ice storm. Throughout the area there were many accidents, but thankfully our staff and students were safe. Then, approximately 3:00 PM, we heard what appeared to be gun shots across the street. In order to be cautious, we called the Millville Police and went into a lock down. Once the Millville Police determined it was a car back firing, we came out of the lock down. All told, the lock down lasted about 6 minutes.

In addition to all of the activities listed above, our students completed their Model Assessments for Unit 2. We didn't miss a beat!

This week the students will be assessed through our annual RtI Universal Sweeps. Students in Kindegarten through 4th grade will be "swept" throughout the week. The information gathered from the Universal Sweeps will help us decide who needs Basic Skills Instruction. Good luck students and try your best!

Weekly Overview
Monday - RtI Sweeps grades K-4; BOE - Healthy Schools and Mini Grant Awardees
Tuesday - RtI Sweeps grades K-4;
Wednesday - RtI Sweeps grades K-4; NJ Department Child Oral Care (9:30am  Kinder and First Grade
10:10am  2nd and 3rd Grades; 10:40am  4th and 5th Grades) 
Thursday - RtI Sweeps grades K-4;
Friday - RtI Sweeps grades K-4;

Friday, January 3, 2014

January 6 - 10

Bacon Bears,

It's all about Respect!

Were you wondering who won the Best Beard from the No-Shave November? The results are in....

Congratulations to Mr. Lokey who earned 38% of the vote!

Students of the week (12/16-12-19)
in front: Matthew H., Abigail; back row: Mallory, Matthew L.,Skye, Hannah 

Pictures from the Winter Concert 2013:
Everyone was ready to watch

Chorus performing 

Video of the week:
Mr. Drewnowski's class made an imovie trailer about their class Pollyanna.

Weekly Overview:
Monday - Unit 2 Model Assessments; Make up Pictures;
Tuesday - Unit 2 Model Assessments;
Wednesday - Unit 2 Model Assessments;
Thursday - Unit 2 Model Assessments; Staff Meeting, PLC (Tech, LAL, Math), 8:00 AM
Friday - Unit 2 Model Assessments;

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 3, 2014

Due to the snow storm, there is no school on January 3, 2014 ....