Sunday, January 19, 2014

January 20 - 24

Bacon Bears,

Its all about Respect!

Chick-Fil-A donated a gift card to every RM Bacon Staff
Our students have done a fantastic job with the assessment schedule in January. As we finalize the results of our Model Assessment and Universal Sweep, I want to commend the teachers for their hard work and understanding with this process.

We view these assessments as "formative" which means they are intended to assist teachers in determining areas for improvement. Based on the preliminary findings, we are headed in the right direction!

This week is a four day week because of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. The other day, I was in Mrs. Lunemann's class and she showed a really interesting video about Martin Luther King, Jr. designed for kids. Take a few moments to watch (and thank you Mrs. Lunemann!)

Martin Luther King Jr. Video

RM Bacon in Pictures:
Mrs. Taylor working on measuring using Smart Board 
Mrs. Mercado had an awesome Spanish lesson using the Smart Board!

Mrs. Gandy won a Math/Science Grant 

Mrs. Devita and Mr. Hudson won a Math/Science Grant

Mrs. Mulhbaier won a Math/Science Grant 

Weekly Overview
Monday - No School - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Tuesday - Another Awesome day at RM Bacon
Wednesday - Mr. Hudson's Class to MSHS
Thursday - 8:00 AM Staff Meeting (Entire Staff); Mr. Hudson's Class to MSHS; Home and School Association Meeting, 4:00 PM
Friday - Wear your favorite Sport Shirt (Nascar, Football, Baseball, Basketball, etc)

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