Sunday, March 30, 2014

March 31 - April 4

Bacon Bears,

It's all about respect!

We finished off last week strong. Our staff is working collaboratively on a few awesome projects aimed at improving RM Bacon. We are poised to take RM Bacon to the next level.

The Bear Bucks Store and Challenge went very well. Students are enjoying the experience of the Bear Bucks process which further supports our PBIS program.  Each month we strive to make it better for the students. Raising the bar is our job!

This week we are entering April. I am sure everyone has been anticipating what April will bring... flowers, blooming trees and warmer temperatures!

Pictures from around the school:
The Biggest Losers were Mrs. Sutton and Mr. Frank. Thanks to Nurse Pruett for the support!

Band students are preparing for the Spring Concert 

Mrs. Bingham's class set their butterflies free on Friday 

Dr. Moore, Mr. Jacobs and Mrs. Colina visited RM Bacon to assist with the Solutions Matrix 

Our staff is working on continuous improvement using systemic tools. World class.. here we come! 

Video of the week:
Hear from the staff on our Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Lunemann!!!!!

Weekly Overview:
Monday - (A) Staff Prioritizing Solutions Matrix (volunteer), Library, 8:00 AM; Chorus, 9:30 AM; BSI Meeting, 10:30 AM
Tuesday - (B) Zumba for Kids, Gym, 4:00 PM
Wednesday - (C) Alumni Night Planning Meeting, Library, 8:00 AM;
Thursday - (D)Kindergarten Swimming; HSA Meeting, 4:00 PM
Friday - (E) Another respectful day at RM Bacon!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Mrs. Lunemann on winning Teacher of the Year! Eric is a lucky first grader!!!
