One of our most honored traditions took place last week at Bacon - our annual Feast, a gathering of students and staff to share a meal, share some laughs, and share quality time together. This year's menu featured turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, grapes, sweat potatoes, stuffing, and, of course, apple and pumpkin pies. The kitchen was a hub of culinary activity, and the food trays kept rolling out to deliver their goods to the hungry masses. Like every year, we did two seatings - one for grades K-2 and the other for grades 3-5.
In the buildup to the Feast, the excitement was undeniable from staff and students alike. From the youngest to the more experienced of us, it seemed everyone couldn't wait for this special occasion. When the day finally arrived, it was as if this whole year so far had built up to this point - the day where we sit down, break bread, form bonds, tell a story or two, and enjoy the company. The look of contentment and joy on all faces, especially the students, makes the work involved more than worth it.
And speaking of work, and in the spirit of giving thanks, we'd be remiss if we didn't mention some of the people responsible for making the Feast happen. Candy Devich and the entire cafeteria staff (Margarat, Michelle, Joan, Robin, Lisa, and Rosann,) did a first-class job, and Paul Lokey stepped in to assist as needed. Stephanie Muhlbaier and Bobby Drewnowski had the 5th graders working their end of things to bring it all together. Several staff members helped in countless way including serving, setting up and breaking down, and doing other things here and there that needed to get done. Also, thanks to Patti Banker for being the official photographer for this year's event.
We'd also like to thank the Millville Police Department, Cumberland County Sheriff's Office, and district personnel for stopping by to help and of course partake in the goodness. Thank you all.
Let's do it again next year!
In the upcoming dates section, you'll see the important dates up through the end of the year. I know, impossible, right? We're already talking about the end of 2018.
Here's the info for our Wawa hoagie sale:
Parent/teacher conferences continue on Monday and Tuesday from 6-8:15. We hope to see many of you.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS - we have a 1:45 dismissal all week (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday).
The holiday concert is back! If you remember, we missed last year's, but Mr. Trout and his students are ready to entertain. They've been working hard on this year's program. The concert will be on 12/10 at 7 pm right here at Bacon.
The following night on 12/11 is our Trim-A-Tree from 6-8 pm. Come decorate an ornament, enjoy some treats, and we might have a few surprises in store for this year's event.
I'd like to wrap up this week's blog with a quick thought on thankfulness and gratitude. If we only look for the negative - in anything - we will find more than enough. If we only look for what went wrong or for what could go wrong, we'll be plenty occupied and have enough to talk about for a lifetime. If we only focus on the bad, that's all we'll ever, ever see. Instead, what if we made deliberate attempts to find the positive in each situation, in every circumstance, and in all the many things that comprise our day? Sure, it's easier said than done. Negativity is easy, and rising above it is hard work. One way to do it, though, is to practice a constant state gratitude and thanks. This week, I challenge everyone reading this to find things during their day for which to be thankful. This week, I challenge you to express gratitude for the things you have, for the things that went right, and for the positive things we'll undoubtedly find if we search for them. This week, I challenge everyone to say, "Thank you" maybe just a little more often than you normally would. As the saying goes, you can't change what people say or do to you, and you can't change your circumstances, but you can change your response and how you handle yourself within those moments.
Have a great week, have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and have a thankful heart.
The Week Ahead
Monday (11/19): D day - 1:45 dismissal, no Club 21, parent/teacher conferences from 6:00 - 8:15
Tuesday (11/20): E day - 1:45 dismissal, no Club 21, parent/teacher conferences from 6:00 - 8:15
Wednesday (11/21): A day - 1:45 dismissal, no Club 21, no latch key
Thursday (11/22): B day - Happy Thanksgiving! - NO SCHOOL
Friday (11/23): C day - NO SCHOOL
Upcoming Dates
12/7: 1:45 dismissal for staff development
12/10: Holiday Concert at 7 pm
12/11: Trim-A-Tree from 6-8 pm
12/21: 1:45 dismissal
12/22 - 1/1/19: winter break
1/2/19: School resumes
FEAST pics
Book Fair fun! |
Book Fair fun! |
Birthday Selfies!
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