Sunday, June 9, 2019

June 10 - 14, 2019


Another great week is behind us.  And speaking of weeks, the final "full week" of the school year is here.  Of course, this isn't it for the year - not yet.  But it's our last Monday-Friday of the 2018-2019 school year.  Summer fever is spreading, but we've got a little work to do just yet. 

As always, check out the pictures below.  We got some pics back from Multicultural Week featuring our 5th grade Bears. 

The week ahead looks busy as always.  We're going to have a blast here at RM Bacon! 

The week ahead
Monday (6/10):  B day - Safety Trip to Wildwood

Tuesday (6/11): C day - 3rd grade trip, last day of wiffle ball

Wednesday (6/12): D day - 2nd grade trip, I&RS (1/2 day)

Thursday (6/13): E day - 4th grade trip

Friday (6/14): A day - Animal attire day, flag day

Upcoming dates:

6/17 - PBIS assembly
6/18 - 5th grade Step-Up
6/19 - Water Day
6/20 - 1:45 dismissal, last day of school for students and staff

Bacon Pics

Mrs. Banker and Mrs. Catlett twinning for a purpose

Cooking with Ms. Candy in Mrs. Cheeseman's room

Mr. Trout taking care of business

Mr. Coyle on the 5th grade trip
An unknown celebration in Mrs. Devita's room

More from Cheeseman's room

Multicultural Week

Birthday Selfies!

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