Friday, January 10, 2020

January 13 - 17, 2020


The first full school week of 2020 is in the books!  We have officially returned to the school routine!  Our teachers wasted no time getting back into the swing of instruction and delivering awesome lessons to our great Bears.

For the first half of this year, we have been deliberately focusing on being positive.  From how we see our work to how we interact with each other and everything in between, we've placed a heavy emphasis on deliberately staying positive.  The benefits of being positive have been confirmed in multiple studies:  happier and healthier lives, more productive and fulfilling work, and better work and home environments to name just a few. 

And the best thing about being positive is that fact that anyone can do it.  It's a choice we all have the privilege to make.  It's not always easy, but it is always possible.  Nobody can give the excuse of, "Well, that's just not the way I am," because through practice and repetition, it gets easier to be positive.  So, yes...You - even you - can choose to be and stay positive!

Have a positive week.  Don't forget to check the calendar below. 

Weekly Preview

Monday (1/13) E day:  Motivational Monday

Tuesday (1/14) A day:  Staff Meeting (Go Guardian Update, Healthy Schools Update)

Wednesday (1/15) B day: Workout Wednesday 

Thursday (1/16) C day: A great Thursday

Friday (1/17/): D day:  Wear Bacon gear

Upcoming dates
January 20: SCHOOLS CLOSED for MLK day
January 21: staff meeting (nurse's update)
January 28: I&RS
January 29: No school for students - staff PD day
January 31: PBIS assembly (pm)

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