Monday, February 3, 2020

February 3 - February 7, 2020


Sorry for the late release time of this edition of the RM Bacon Weekly!  Here's the weekly schedule and upcoming dates. 

Weekly Preview

Monday (2/3) C day: Motivation Monday, Bears Bucks store (check schedule)

Tuesday (2/4) D day:  PBIS assembly (pm), report cards go home, Bear Bucks store (check schedule)

Wednesday (2/5) E: Staff meeting (8 am in the library, SEL part 3), peer labs (group A), physicals for grade 3

Thursday (2/6) A day: A positive Thursday

Friday (2/7): B day:  Wear Bacon gear 

Upcoming dates
February 12: 100th day of school
February 13: Pink and Red day
February 13: Visit from the Chick fil A cow
February 13: Chick fil A fundraiser (4 - 8 pm)
February 14: no school for students - staff PD
February 17: NO SCHOOL for President's Day
February 18: Staff meeting (SEL part 4)
February 18: Peer lab (B)
February 28: PBIS assembly (am)

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