Sunday, March 31, 2019

April 1 - 5, 2019


This is no joke - as of tomorrow, we are officially into April.  Lots going on this month - NJSLA testing (formerly PARCC), Spring Break, and while not in April, Community Night is just around the corner!


We are still accepting donations for the Sheriff's Office (the pic on top features two of our Bears adding to the collection).  It isn't too late to donate (see below), but we have to have them this week! 

On Friday morning, our annual Hoops-for-Bacon fundraiser was in full effect.  Thanks to some generious Bears, we raised over $600!  Thank you all. 

And on Friday afternoon, our monthly PBIS assembly took place.  As always, Ms. Berry had a fun event planned for us as we celebrated and recognized students for good behavior. 

We hope everyone has a great week!


FINAL WEEK! Bacon is participating in the "Warming Hearts Program" put on by the Cumberland County Sheriff's Office.  Please see below for details on how to donate non-perishable items.  Any contribution is greatly appreciated.

Our Wawa hoagie sale is still on.  See below, and feel free to call the school with any questions.

PBIS Corner
April character-trait-of-the-month: Caring.  Examples include being kind, forgiving, expressing gratitude, and helping others in need

Caring quote-of-the-week: 

Image taken from

Staff, remember your why!
The week ahead
Monday (4/1): D day - lesson plans due, book fair

Tuesday (4/2): E day - Bubbles 4 Autism (2 pm), book fair, Peer Lab session one

Wednesday (4/3): A day - Workout Wednesday

Thursday (4/4): B day - staff meeting (8 am in the library), Bear Bucks store (schedule was sent out)

Friday (4/5): C day - wear Bacon gear, Bear Bucks store (schedule was sent out), final day of Warming Hearts Program donations for Cumberland County Sheriff's Office

Upcoming dates:
4/8 - 4/10: NJSLA (formerly PARCC) - ELA
4/15 - 4/16: NJSLA (formerly PARCC) Math
4/18: 1:45 dismissal
4/19 - 4/26: Spring Break
5/7: Community Night (6-7:30 at Bacon, rain or shine)

Bacon Pics

Birthday Selfies!

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